the wolves and the mandolin
Celebrating Life’s Privileges in a Harsh World
Follow entrepreneur and author, Brandon Vallorani, as he shares legend-worthy stories of his Italian-American ancestors’ humble beginnings. Delivering the business and life philosophies that have culminated in one of his companies being a 5-time honoree on the Inc. 5000 list, Brandon demonstrates how you, too, can pursue, life, liberty, and the American dream.
Regardless of your beginnings, you have the right to pursue your dream of a better life—a certain way of living and a legacy that will extend for generations. So, what—or who—is getting in your way?
Certainly not Brandon Vallorani, who in his American Dream success story, The Wolves and the Mandolin, reminisces on his family’s humble beginnings that will inspire you to pursue the Mandolin Moments in your life with great ambition. Sharing his adventures as a successful entrepreneur and dedicated family man, as well as his philosophy in business and management, Brandon concludes with the path that led him to develop a quality brand.
The Vallorani Estates brand serves as an intense reminder that you can celebrate the privilege of life in style—and that to work, pursue, and maintain that life with vigor is an honor of the highest.
Now, sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained, inspired, and armed to find and enjoy your Mandolin Moments.
“Don’t miss this book chock-full of amazing stories and life lessons!” Scott F.
“Prepare to be educated, inspired, and entertained simultaneously.” Monica L.
“I’ve been inspired, and I’ve learned some important business lessons along the way.”
Greg Godek
“While opportunities themselves differ over time – recognizing and seizing upon them requires the same daring-do, which the author demonstrates for us time, and time again.“
Jim O., Verified Amazon Buyer
“I highly recommend every entrepreneur and business owner read his story and study the valuable leadership lessons it reveals.“
Lucy Hoger
CEO, Visionocity
doug giles & brandon vallorani
would jesus vote for trump?
So, Would Jesus Vote for Trump?
No doubt many, especially on The Left and the NeverTrumpkins who claim Christ, probably just spit out their double chocolaty chip crème frappuccino over the mere posing of that question but best-selling authors, Doug Giles and Brandon Vallorani, wanted to know if Trump and his policies reflected Jesus and His teachings.
What you’re about to read is their findings on Trump’s governance and how it squares with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Inside you’ll find answers to questions like:
- Would Jesus ever choose someone, with a less than stellar past, to be a leader?
- Would Jesus be cool with how Trump blasts CNN, The Left, and his feckless ‘compadres’ on The Right?
- What about Health Care? Would the Great Physician give Trump’s opposition to ObamaCare the ‘two thumbs up?’
- Oh, and here’s a dicey topic: Immigration. Would the Son of Man be in opposition with President Trump’s position on our southern border?
- Also, was Jesus just a socialist hippie that Leftists purport Him to be?
These and other pertinent policies are all tackled, using the sieve of The Gospels, to examine Trump’s presidency, heretofore. What you’ll find here might shock you. It might anger you. It might bless you.
One thing’s for certain: we guarantee … it’ll definitely make you think.

“Giles and Vallorani team together to provide readers a UNIQUE and FANTASTIC book that truly puts the current political scene in context with actual Scripture.”
S. Long
“The authors pass the ball back and forth between them and keep it quite interesting as they both do an excellent job clearing the fogged goggles caused by the constant barrage of attacks against president Trump.“
J. Rodriguez
“Would Jesus Vote For Trump?” has inspired me and helped me to better understand the biblical principles of our government.“
The Faux Pas, Fiascos, and Failures of the Biden-Harris Administration
Let’s Go, Brandon!
Volume 1
A man was recently thrown off a JetBlue flight for wearing a “Let’s Go, Brandon!” mask. A man in Alabama was recently denied an “LGBFJB” license plate. Will it soon be illegal to say, “Let’s Go, Brandon!” in America? The Left bans any free speech they don’t like and cancel anyone who speaks their minds. That’s why you should secure your copy of this 256-page exposé of the Biden-Harris Regime before Big Tech blocks you from ever seeing it.
“Let’s Go, Brandon!” chants and memes went viral in 2021. Why?
The woke, Marxist Lefties have been running the country for a year now and Americans are feeling the burn. We are disgusted at how the Biden-Harris Administration botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, terrified that they ignore the crisis at our southern border, frustrated over soaring gas prices, struggling to live with sky-high inflation, stifled by supply-chain breakdowns, and angered that the Left wants to force us to get a medical experiment against our will. To add insult to injury, we even have tyrants abroad that are emboldened by Biden’s weak leadership!
In his latest book, author Brandon Vallorani chronicles the daily faux pas, fiascos, and failures of the Biden-Harris Administration during their first year. A chapter is dedicated to each month in 2021 and the chapters are broken down into daily sections. Brandon offers more than mere complaints, however. As a Christian and a Patriot, he also offers hope.
Hold on to your seats! This is one fast ride!

10 predictions of america’s last days
The 1896 Prophecies
A 127-year-old prophecy warns of America’s last days should socialist philosophies be permitted, with modern-day commentary showing the parallels with current events.
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun,” said the great King Solomon in Ecclesiastes.
Regardless of the label they are given—Liberal, Leftist, Communist, Socialist, Anarchist, Progressive, Democrat—our great nation has been fighting their anti-American philosophy for a long time.
If we intend to win the battle for the hearts, minds, and souls of our country’s citizens, we must take heed of the somber warning found in the original work of Ingersoll Lockwood.
Authors Brandon Vallorani and Liz Martin help readers fully grasp the details of the historical context that have faded in the century since 1900 or The Last President was written and explain how those allegorical situations correspond to circumstances we contend with today. They introduce each chapter of Lockwood’s work with insightful commentary while leaving the original story intact.
Americans are faced with a hard choice between mutually exclusive alternatives: on one side are the likes of Lenin, Sanders, AOC, and Biden; on the other are the likes of Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, and Trump.
If we can look with clear-eyed understanding upon the options presented, we cannot but choose the risk and reward of freedom over the security and mediocrity of slavery.