How We Should Live in a World with the Coronavirus

Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
CEO, Hotze Health & Wellness Center

March 24, 2020

Greetings my friends! I am not going to pull any punches. I am going to write to you about three topics that you will not hear from the mainstream fake news media, conventional doctors, or the politicians. These topics are 1) God is Sovereign, Trust Him, 2) Take charge of your own heath and strengthen your immune system, and 3) Learn about the coronavirus and my projections about it.

God is Sovereign. Trust Him.

“The earth is the Lord’s and all that it contains, the world and those who dwell in it.” (Psalm 24:1)

“Thy Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and Thy dominion endures throughout all generations.” (Psalm 145:13)

“At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:8-11)

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

“It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor” – George Washington, 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation

Our faith is proven as we place our trust in God and in His divine providence in times of adversity. We must demonstrate the courage of our Christian, Biblical convictions. When the world is in bedlam, and hysteria is the order of the day, we can place our trust in the Lord God of Hosts, and face the future with confidence and equanimity. Christian men should be providing the leadership to guide the way for their family, friends and associates now and always.

Place your confidence in God. Claim promises from His word. “No evil will befall me, nor will any plague enter my tent.” (Psalm 91:10)

Take Charge of Your Health, Strengthen your Immune System

No one in the government health services or in conventional medicine has told you what you can do to strengthen your immune system to help you prevent yourself from getting the coronavirus.

You must take charge of your own health and strengthen your immune system. Since 1997, the written goal of our Mission Statement at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center is to enable our guests to 1) strengthen their immune systems, and 2) increase their energy levels.

Just as I stated publicly on Fox News on the Coronavirus Pandemic Special on Sunday, March 15, you can’t depend upon the government, your employer, your insurance company, your spouse and surely not any politician to keep you healthy.

God has given you an amazing immune system so that you could defend yourself from harmful , infectious viruses and bacteria. Every day, since the day that you were born, you have come in contact with trillions of bacteria and viruses and you are still alive. Trillions of bacteria and viruses live in you and on you, in a symbiotic relationship. Your large intestines are full of healthy, normal, autochthonous bacteria. When you take probiotics, you are ingesting billions of healthful bacteria. The bacteria in our body are known as the microbiome and the viruses in our body are known as the virome. Your immune system has defended you against harmful viruses and bacteria, as have the healthy bacteria and viruses in your body.

If you strengthen your immune system and increase your energy level, then the chances of your developing an infection are significantly decreased.

Adopt my simple, 9 point, ABCDZ immune system strengthening program.

  1. Be Enthusiastic about life. Enthusiasm is derived from Greek, “en theus,” and means to be filled and inspired by the spirit of God.
  2. Take Vitamins A, B complex, C, D and Zinc, along with a probiotic.
  3. Replenish and balance your thyroid, sex and adrenal bio-identical hormones.
  4. Adopt a healthy keto friendly eating plan with healthy oils and fats, plenty of organic vegetables and a small amount of meat.
  5. Cut down or eliminate your sugars and simple carbohydrates which promote yeast overgrowth in your colon and depress your immune system.
  6. Take allergy drops to immunize and neutralize your reactions to airborne and food allergens.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Sleep well.
  9. Practice good personal hygiene.

To build a healthy immune system, I recommend an ABCDZ program to my patients, consisting of high doses of Vitamin A and B complex, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3, and Zinc. This would also help you prevent yourself from getting the flu, coronavirus, or any other viral or bacterial infection.

The Dr. Hotze Immune Pak is available at or call

(800) 579-6545. I encourage you to purchase it today for yourself and for your family members.

The following are my recommendations for my guests at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. We call our patients guests, because it makes our relationships with them more personable and friendly.

  1. Vitamin A 5000-10,000 IU daily
  2. B Complex
  3. Vitamin C 1,000 mg per 25 lb. of body weight. A 150 lb. person would take 6,000 mg of Vitamin C daily in two or three divided doses.
  4. Vitamin D3 5,000-10,000 IU daily
  5. Zinc 30-60 mg daily
  6. Probiotics – 2 daily

When a guest is developing a flu like illness, then I recommend 2 capsules of Vitamin C 1,000 mg every hour until loose stools occur, then they can cut back by 25% and take it in divided doses daily. I also recommend that they increase Vitamin D3 to 50,000 IU daily for 5 days.

Make sure that you are replenishing your declining natural thyroid, sex and adrenal hormones with natural bio-identical hormones. These hormones, especially your thyroid hormones, are essential for you to strengthen your immune system and increase your energy level.

You should embrace a healthy, whole food, yeast-free eating plan with the elimination of sugar and simple carbs like grain, corn, potato and rice products which are quickly converted to sugar in our digestive tract. This is also known as a Keto friendly eating plan. Any time you have taken antibiotics, the antibiotics killed not only harmful bacteria, but also killed normal, healthy bacteria in the colon and yeast has overgrown. Yeast in the colon grows on sugar and produces toxins. These toxins and sugar both depress your immune system.

Treat your allergies with allergy immunizing and neutralizing drops. It is tree pollen season now. Allergies are an abnormal reaction to normally occurring substances that we breath in the air; weed, tree, and grass pollens, dust mites, mold spores and animal danders.

Exercise. Get a good night’s sleep and practice good personal hygiene.

Be sure to be enthusiastic about life. A positive attitude produces positive results.

By the way, the surgical masks will not protect you from viral infections.

Follow these recommendations and you will begin strengthening your immune system, so that you can attack and destroy any harmful viruses or bacteria that threaten your health.

Learn about the Coronavirus and the Projections of When the Hysteria Will End

“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” 

This is the message about the coronavirus COVID-19 that the Chicken Little wannabes, the government health care bureaucrats, Fake News media, conventional doctors and politicians, are frantically broadcasting to the gullible public. These officials are now in the limelight, and they love the public exposure. These elites can now exert their power over the masses by creating irrational fear and mass hysteria. They are shutting down businesses, churches, schools and all public events and commanding the population to lock down in quarantine. They are exerting unconstitutional authority and impinging upon your civil rights and liberties.

This situation demonstrates how easily people will give up their liberty for the illusion of safety and security. Rather than placing their faith in God and taking responsibility for their own health, most people are willing to place their faith in Big Government. Be wary when someone appears and says, “I am with the government and I am here to help you.” The government creates more problems than it solves. This coronavirus situation is a case in point.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai holds a doctorate in Biological Engineering from M.I.T. He specializes in studies and research of the immune system. He wrote that “the coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, and push mandated medicine.”

Coronavirus History

Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1960s. Corona means crown and the coronaviruses have crown like spikes on their surfaces. There are numerous strains of the coronavirus (CoV) and seven that can infect people. It is a type of virus that can be transmitted between animals and humans, a zoonotic virus. Some coronaviruses cause the common cold, while others cause more serious illnesses. This is not the first time a strain of the coronavirus has caused a health scare.

The SARS-CoV coronavirus was the cause of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2002. The MERS-CoV coronavirus caused the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in 2012. The current coronavirus, COVID-19, was originally named SARS-CoV 2. It is a strain that is antigenically similar to SARS-CoV.

There have been other viruses creating public health concerns, the Bird flu in 2005 and the Swine flu pandemic in 2009. Then there was the Ebola virus panic between 2014-2016 and the Zika virus scare in 2018. It seems that every election cycle brings to light another life-threatening disease.

There have never been widespread closings of businesses, churches and schools due to an epidemic in the U.S. During the Obama administration the Swine flu (H1N1) epidemic occurred between April 12, 2009 – April 10, 2010. The CDC estimated that there were 60,800,000 cases of the Swine Flu in the U.S. and 12,469 deaths. Nothing shut down. Although Obama did not declare a National Emergency until October 24, 2009, 6 months after the Swine flu (H1N1) had been recognized, he was given praise from the press for his handling of it.

Folks, it seems that this coronavirus scare has been touted as a health crisis in the yellow journalism of the Fake News media, by the government health care bureaucrats, by conventional medicine and the politicians who want you to think that they care about your health, while they are really expanding their power and authority.

Real Health Risk – The Annual Flu Epidemic

The coronavirus pales in significance when compared to the annual flu pandemic. If they cared about your health, then why haven’t they acted to stop the flu epidemic which occurs every year?  This coronavirus pseudo crisis is all about politics and expanding government control over your life, and about money.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) there have only been  presumptive 33,404 cases of the coronavirus in the United States as of March 23, 2020 at 4 PM. That is 1 in 10,000 (.01%) Americans who presumptively have the coronavirus, with 400 deaths, a 1.2% fatality rate,

The first U.S. case was reported on January 20 in Washington state in a 35-year-old man who had returned from Wuhan, China on January 15. This is the Wuhan flu.

Compare these 33,404 presumed cases of coronavirus to the CDC’s estimates that there have been upwards of 54,000,000 cases of the flu in the U.S between October 1, 2019 – March 14, 2020. That’s million with an “M.” There have been upwards of 720,000 hospitalizations and 59,000 deaths due to this year’s flu, That is 347 deaths per day due to the flu since October 1, 2019. Compare that to a total of 400 deaths due to the coronavirus in 2 months.

Are we going to shut down our businesses, schools, churches and all public gatherings for weeks or months because of this coronavirus?

During the severe flu season from October 2017 through March 2018, 80,000 Americans died. That’s an average of 444 flu deaths per day for 180 consecutive days. There was no media coverage, no hysteria, no closing of businesses, schools or churches.

The health officials, media, conventional medicine and the politicians have shrugged their shoulders about the perennial flu epidemic. We have never had wholesale closure of businesses and schools, and cancellation of events because of the annual flu, or any other epidemic, or the self-quarantine of individuals who have been exposed to a person with the flu. There are no constant reminders for multiple hand washings, not touching your face, meeting in groups of 10 or less, or social distancing to prevent the flu.

Worldwide Coronavirus Cases 

As of March 22, there have only been 378,392 reported cases worldwide of this new strain coronavirus, COVID 19, with 16,490 deaths, Compare that to upwards of 1 billion cases of the flu worldwide with upwards of 750,000 deaths. There is really no comparison between the flu and the coronavirus.

The first coronavirus case was reported by China on December 21, 2019. The population of China is 1.5 billion. Only 81,000 Chinese have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. That is only 1 in 20,000 Chinese who have contracted the coronavirus, so far. There would have to be 150 million Chinese who contract the coronavirus illness to reach the same proportion of Americans, 10%, who had the flu this season.

The following chart provides a comparison of coronavirus data from a few countries  Data is from the CDC website,, March 23,  and www,, March 24. You can compare the incidence of the coronavirus COVID19 to the current flu.

Country Population Coronavirus COVID19 Cases Incidence COVID19  Cases/population COVID19 Deaths COVID19 Fatality Rate Overall COVID19 Death Rate -Deaths/Population
China 1,500,000,000 81,171 0.005% or 1/20,000 3277 4% .0004% or 1/250,000
South Korea 51,000,000 9037 0.017% or 1/5000 120 1.3% .0002% or 1/500,000
Italy 60,500,000 63,927 0.1% or 1/1,000 6,077 9.5% .01% or 1/10,000
Singapore 5,800,000 558 0.009% or 1/11,000 2 0.40% .00003%- 1/2,900,000
*USA* 317,000,000 33,404 .01%  or 1/10,000 400 1.2% .00016% or 1/666,666
Worldwide 7,700,000,000 396,035 0.005% or 1/20,000 17247 4.3% .0002% or 1/500,000
 Flu Cases  Incidence Flu Cases/Population  Flu Deaths Fatality Rate % Overall Flu Death Rate Flu Death/Population  
Flu *USA* 317,000,000 54,000,000 17% or 1/6 59,000 0.10% .018% or 1/5,000
Flu Worldwide 7,700,000,000 1,000,000,000 13% 650,000 0.07 .008% or 6/100,000

As you can see, the coronavirus pales in comparison with the disease and death caused by the annual flu epidemic.


China is the epicenter of the coronavirus infection. It was first discovered in Wuhan, China on December 21, 2019. China has had 81,000 (22%) of the 396,035 worldwide cases. The incidence of new disease has been falling in China for the two weeks. This means that the coronavirus has pretty much run its course in China. 

The fatality rate in China is 4%, however, this has to do with the non-reporting of hundreds of thousands of mild to moderate cases that never sought medical care.

Remember, China is a communist country with most people living in third world conditions; poor hygiene, poor diet, poor medical care, poor reporting. Only the sickest seek medical care. There are probably hundreds of thousands of Chinese who had moderate symptoms and did not seek medical care. They didn’t want to be quarantined. This means that the fatality rate would be significantly lower, more on the order of the flu, 0.1-0.15%. The fatality rate is the number of deaths divided by the number of cases. As the total number of cases increases and the deaths remain the same, then the fatality rate declines.

South Korea

South Korea has had 9037 cases out of a population of 51,000,000. That’s only 1 in 5,000 (.02%) Koreans who have the coronavirus COVID19. There have been 120 deaths or a 1% fatality rate.

Coronavirus cases in South Korea have dropped sharply over the past two weeks. South Korea has accomplished this without a lock down of cities, the closing of businesses and schools, or other authoritarian measures. Those who were in close contact with a person who was diagnosed with the coronavirus are mandated under the penalty of law to self-quarantine for two weeks. The South Koreans very quickly adopted a very extensive testing program. The Korean CDC worked with private diagnostic test manufacturers and approved the test kits on February 7, when there had been only a few cases diagnosed. Since then the South Koreans have tested over 270,000 citizens, that is 5,200 tests per million. South Korea is testing 15,000 people per day. There are 43 drive through testing stations.  This has enabled the Korean CDC to identify those who have the disease and their contacts.

In the U.S., the CDC and FDA have had difficulties in developing and producing adequate amounts of standardized tests for the coronavirus. The U.S. has tested less than 24,000, or 74 tests per million. Why didn’t we buy our test kits from the South Korean manufacturer?

The CDC has been promising test kits for weeks. This is not like the flu, where you can go to your primary care doctor and be tested right away. Physicians do not have these test kits. Currently you have to have your nasal passage swabbed and collected and blood drawn, both of which are sent to the CDC. It takes at least 3 days to get the results. This is supposed to improve when the new test kits have been issued. With new testing kits there will be a dramatic rise in new cases identified. This will cause a new wave of panic in the U.S.


Italy has had  63,927 cases and 6077 deaths. The population of Italy is 60,500,000. The incidence of the coronavirus cases is .1% or 1 in 1000. The fatality rate is 9%. The median age of an Italian is 47.3 years old, compared to 38.3 years for Americans and 41.8 years for a South Korean. The average age of those who have died of the coronavirus in Italy is 79.5 years old.

Good Case – U.S. Projections Based Upon South Korea Data

Let’s consider some projections for the U.S. If the U.S. develops coronavirus cases at twice the incidence rate as South Korea, which is 1 in 5,000 (.02%), then the U.S. incidence rate would be 1 in 2,500 (.04%). The incidence rate is the cases divided by the population. The population x incidence rate = # cases. The U.S. population is 317 million. Assuming that the U.S. incidence rate is .04%, then that would be total 126,800 cases in the U.S. 317,000,000 x .04% = 126,800 cases. If the U.S. fatality rate remains 1.2%, then there would be 1,521 deaths.

126,800 x 1.2% = 1521.

Bad Case – U.S. Projections Based Upon Italy Data

Here are some further projections. If the U.S. has the same incidence of cases as Italy, 1 in 1000 (.1%), then there would be 317,000 cases in the U.S. If the U.S. fatality rate were to be the same as Italy at 9%, then there would 28,530 deaths due to the corona virus. The current U.S. fatality rate is 1.2% and if that stayed the same, then there would be 3,804 deaths.

South Korea is a free, capitalist country much like the U.S. The first cases of the coronavirus were discovered in South Korea in the latter part of January at the same time that the U.S. had its first case. Based upon the dramatic, declining number of new cases in South Korea over the past two weeks, it appears that the coronavirus is on the wane there. Only 1 in 5000 people have the contracted the coronavirus in South Korea. The fatality rate is 1.3% in South Korea. It is currently  1.2% in the U.S. It seems that the U.S. experience with the coronavirus will track that of South Korea. Based upon my projections in the “Good Case” scenario above, the U.S. may end up having less than 2000 deaths due to the coronavirus COVID19.

Increased Testing in the U.S.

There will be a dramatic increase in the number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. over the next several weeks due to the increase in testing availability. This will simply heighten the hysteria and panic the population. Increased cases will lower the fatality rate though. Remember, the fatality rate is the number of deaths divided by the number of sick cases. The more people that are identified with the disease, the lower the fatality rate. There will be thousands of people who have symptoms consistent with the flu and the coronavirus who will never visit a doctor or clinic. They will have a mild to moderate symptoms like 80-90% of the people who contract the coronavirus. They will recover within a week and be back at work.

CDC Reactions: Flu vs. Coronavirus

If the CDC were to adopt the same measures to stop the annual flu epidemic that are being used to stop the spread of the coronavirus, then during the 6 months of the flu season, October-March, every year, we would stay at home. No one would go to work, school, church services or public events. The economy would be on life support.

Perspective on other Causes of Death and Disease in the U.S. Annually

It is essential that you develop a proper perspective on the insignificance of the current coronavirus situation when compared to major causes of death and disease in the U.S. Here is a short list of the annual causes of disease and death.

  • Iatrogenic (Caused by Medical Treatment) – 780,000 deaths/year, 2136/day, reported in the book Death by Medicine by Gary Null, M.D.
  • Heart Disease – 650,000 deaths/year, 1780/day
  • Cancer – 600,000 deaths/year, 1643/day
  • Traffic Deaths – 37,000 deaths/year, 100/day
  • Traffic Injuries – 2.35 million/year, 6438/day
  • Lung Infections – 160,000 deaths/year, 438/day
  • Suicides – 47,000 deaths/year, 129/day
  • Abortions – 800,000 deaths/year, 2192/day
  • Diabetes – 84,000 deaths/year, 230/day
  • HIV/AIDS – 56,500 new cases/year, 155/day
  • Flu – 50,000 deaths/year, 153/day
  • STD Infections  (Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Chlamydia) -2.4 mil/year, 6575/day


The health officials and politicians are touting an upcoming vaccine for this coronavirus. Some pharmaceutical company will make billions in profit on the new vaccine which all citizens will be mandated to take by the government. Always follow the money trail. If the flu vaccine worked, then we would not have an epidemic of the flu every year in the U.S. that kills an average of 50,000 Americans. Worldwide, the flu pandemic infects upwards of 1 billion people every year and causes the death of upwards of 750,000 people. The coronavirus mutates like the flu virus. A coronavirus vaccine will likely be as ineffective as the flu vaccine.

The flu vaccine is made 6 months in advance of the flu season from influenza viruses that exist at the time. Unfortunately, it is difficult to produce a flu vaccine that is effective, because there are several strains of flu viruses and they mutate every year. Depending upon the year, the flu vaccine’s effectiveness ranges from 30% – 60%. This is one of the reasons why there is an annual flu epidemic. 

Unintended Consequences

Those who are fanning the flames of irrational fear and hysteria are so shortsighted that they cannot see the unintended consequences of their actions. Think of the immeasurable harm that they are causing society by shutting down businesses. They have destroyed a booming economy and thrown us into a recession.  It is projected that millions of people will lose their jobs. Unemployment is expected to go from 3.5% to 10% this year.

There are 160 million in the U.S. workforce. The average income is approximately $52,000 per year. If only 120 million people are locked down from working for 4 weeks, then that is lost income of $4,000 per person, totaling $480 billion lost income, and that is only one month! Imagine if this goes on for multiple months. The lost income would reach into the trillions of dollars.

Through their mandates these officials and politicians are destroying a thriving economy, driving many small businesses out of business, the health consequences of which are multiple times worse than the coronavirus. Stress is a huge factor in disease.

By arousing fear and hysteria among Americans, these officials, media, and politicians have caused a 34% loss in value in the stock market, and it will only get worse. Peoples’ life savings have dramatically declined over the past few weeks.

This is what President Trump should recommend. The elderly who are infirmed and debilitated, and others with depressed immune systems and underlying health disorders, such as heart failure, lung disease, and diabetes are at high risk for contracting the flu and the coronavirus. They should sequester themselves at home and limit their contact with others. The rest of us should go back to work and school.

The Congress is trying to agree on a $2 Trillion stimulus bill to mitigate the tremendous economic damage that the politicians have caused by creating mass hysteria over the corona virus.


The symptoms of the coronavirus and the flu are similar; fever, body aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, sinus and chest congestion, and in some cases, shortness of breath. For most people who get the flu or the coronavirus, the symptoms usually resolve within a week. If you have these symptoms, then the odds of your having the coronavirus are slim and none. You have the flu until proven otherwise.


There are no specific pharmaceutical drugs approved by the FDA for the coronavirus other than supportive care. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, both antimalarial drugs, have been used successfully in China and South Korea for the treatment of the coronavirus. Physicians can prescribe medication for off label use, so both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine can be prescribed without FDA approving its benefits in treating the coronavirus.

An antiviral drug, Remdesivir, that must be given intravenously, was developed for treatment of the Ebola virus. It failed to treat the Ebola virus. It inhibits viral replication. There have been some anecdotal stories of its effectiveness in treating the coronavirus. Ideally, you want an oral antiviral medication that can be dispensed like Tamiflu. Remdesivir is an IV drug.

Intravenous (IV) Vitamin C has been used effectively to treat sepsis infections in the blood stream.Untreated sepsis is invariably fatal. Paul Marik, M.D. successfully used an IV combination of hydrocortisone, Vitamin C and Thiamine (Vitamin B1) to treat sepsis in patients in an ICU situation. This treatment resulted in a decrease in the mortality rate from 40.4% to 8.5%. He published his results in Chest Journal, “Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock, February 3, 2020.

IV Vitamin C has been used to treat the coronavirus successfully in China and Singapore. Vitamin C decreases the inflammatory response by preventing lung damage caused by cytokines, which are small proteins that the cells release. Cytokines trigger inflammation when there are infections in the body or the lungs. Vitamin C quells the hyperinflammation caused by the cytokine release, which is the body’s last-ditch  effort to fight an infection.

You have been exposed to trillions of viruses and bacteria daily since you were born. You have an immune system that has white blood cells and makes antibodies, both of which fight off these infectious organisms. Strengthen your immune system.

Please allow me to underscore your need to strengthen your immune system by repeating my ABCDZ immune system strengthening program.

If you strengthen your immune system and increase your energy level, then the chances of your developing an infection are significantly decreased.

Adopt my simple, 9 point, ABCDZ immune system strengthening program.

  1. Be Enthusiastic about life. Enthusiasm is derived from Greek, “en theus,” and means to be filled and inspired by the spirit of God.
  2. Take Vitamins A, B complex, C, D and Zinc, along with a probiotic.
  3. Replenish and balance your thyroid, sex and adrenal bio-identical hormones.
  4. Adopt a healthy keto friendly eating plan with healthy oils and fats, plenty of organic vegetables and a small amount of meat.
  5. Cut down or eliminate your sugars and simple carbohydrates which promote yeast overgrowth in your colon and depress your immune system.
  6. Take allergy drops to immunize and neutralize your reactions to airborne and food allergens.
  7. Exercise.
  8. Sleep well.
  9. Practice good personal hygiene.

To build a healthy immune system, I recommend an ABCDZ vitamin program to my patients, consisting of high doses of Vitamin A and B complex, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3, and Zinc. This will help you protect yourself from getting the flu, coronavirus, or any other viral or bacterial infection.

The Dr. Hotze Immune Pak is available at or call

(800) 579-6545. I encourage you to purchase it today for yourself and for your family members.

The following are my recommendations for my guests at the Hotze Health & Wellness Center. We call our patients guests, because it makes our relationships with them more personable and friendly.

  1. Vitamin A 5000-10,000 IU daily
  2. B Complex
  3. Vitamin C 1,000 mg per 25 lb. of body weight. A 150 lb. person would take 6,000 mg of Vitamin C daily in two or three divided doses.
  4. Vitamin D3 5,000-10,000 IU daily
  5. Zinc 30-60 mg daily
  6. Probiotics – 2 daily

When a guest is developing a flu like illness, then I recommend 2 capsules of Vitamin C 1,000 mg every hour until loose stools occur, then they can cut back by 25% and take it in divided doses daily. I also recommend that they increase Vitamin D3 to 50,000 IU daily for 5 days.

Make sure that you are replenishing your declining natural thyroid, sex and adrenal hormones with natural bio-identical hormones. These hormones, especially your thyroid hormones, are essential for you to be able to strengthen your immune system and increase your energy level.

You should embrace a healthy, whole food, yeast-free eating plan with the elimination of sugar and simple carbs like grain, corn, potato and rice products which are quickly converted to sugar in our digestive tract. This is also known as a Keto friendly eating plan. Any time you have taken antibiotics, the antibiotics killed not only harmful bacteria, but also killed normal, healthy bacteria in the colon, and yeast has overgrown. Yeast in the colon grows on sugar and produces toxins. These toxins and sugar both depress your immune system.

Treat your allergies with allergy immunizing and neutralizing drops. It is tree pollen season now. Allergies are an abnormal reaction to normally occurring substances that we breath in the air; weed, tree, and grass pollens, dust mites, mold spores and animal danders. Allergies depress the immune system.

Be sure to exercise. Get a good night’s sleep and practice good personal hygiene.

Be sure to be enthusiastic about life. A positive attitude produces positive results.

Follow these recommendations and you will begin strengthening your immune system, so that you can attack and destroy any harmful viruses or bacteria that threaten your health.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Think accurately and use common sense.

Trust God and practice the above recommendations and you will do fine.

The sky is not falling in!