Brandon Vallorani serves in the Florida State Guard
With a heritage dating back to WWII, Governor DeSantis reactivated the Florida State Guard in 2022 as a state-supported volunteer force providing rapid emergency response. Since the modern relaunch, the Florida State Guard’s continued growth in capability and...
The Ultimate Key to Personal Success
There’s a Biblical Proverb that tells the wise man, “Do not withhold good from whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” Eighteenth-century statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke is often quoted to urge people into action with his words: “The only thing...
Emotional Maturity in Leadership: An Absolute Necessity
Not all leaders, even successful ones, are emotionally mature. We can all think of examples of people we have worked for or with–some occupying very high positions–who sometimes take on all the characteristics of a teenager. And even the very greatest of leaders have...
American Politics with Joe Visconti and Seth Rosenblit
Brandon Vallorani speaks with host Joe Visconti and Seth Rosenblit on American Politics (Talk of Connecticut WDRC) regarding Thrasher Coffee, President Donald J. Trump, and the state of America.
How We Should Live in a World with the Coronavirus
How We Should Live in a World with the Coronavirus Steven F. Hotze, M.D. CEO, Hotze Health & Wellness Center March 24, 2020 Greetings my friends! I am not going to pull any punches. I am going to write to you about three topics that you will not hear from the...
The real threat of Coronavirus isn’t what you think…
After China, Italy has been hit the hardest by the coronavirus (COVID 19). As of today, March 10, 2020, there are 9,000 cases with 500 deaths in the beloved nation of culture, food, leather and stunning vistas. Italy has an older population, which is more...
Free Speech is under attack, & the frontline is in cyberspace
My dearest patriots, we find ourselves today on the precipice of true calamity. Our nation, under God, has been divided and torn asunder by an out-of control-cabal of narrative-influencing entertainment peddlers parading as “the news.” You see, these mainstream media...
Would Jesus support Gun Control?
Once again, our nation is hurting over the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, where 32 people were killed and 51 more were injured. Throughout our history, mass shootings have been carried out by people with different motives, different ethnic and racial...
Compassionate Conservative Values: 4 Causes I Feel Strongly About
I’m passionate about my stance as a compassionate conservative. There is a widespread belief that the Democratic party is the more compassionate and caring political party, but this is simply not true. Today I want to dive into some of my compassionate conservative...
How to Create Meaningful Business Relationships
I was fortunate enough to have Jeffery Ventrella write the forward for my book, The Wolves and the Mandolin. There was one quote from his forward that I feel encapsulates the way I approach my business relationships. “What we see [...] is that relationships...
Why It’s Vital to Protect the Second Amendment
Gun control is one of the most talked-about topics in politics today. Many far-left liberals would like to see most or all of the guns in our country confiscated. Others would simply settle for a little more regulation. Either way, I’m of the opinion that we need to...
Why I Believe in Small Government
Over the course of my entrepreneurial career, I’ve founded a variety of companies, all of which had their own obstacles. But I’ve found there is one obstacle that seems to get in the way more often than others﹘ big government. As a conservative entrepreneur, I believe...
How to Balance Work & Family During the Holidays
Your work life can be endlessly busy, and the holiday season is no different. Even more so than during the rest of the year, it’s important to prioritize your family during the holidays. Making holiday memories and celebrating together is more important than clients’...
Not “Just Semantics”
Take a few seconds to reflect on your daily communication. How many times in a day or a week do you say you “hate” something? You “hate” traffic. You “hate” olives. You “hate” the middle seat on airplanes. Hate is the opposite of love. In reality, it’s an extreme...
3 Different Coffee Blends to Fuel The Conservative Revolution
When faced with differing opinions from all sides, it’s important to know what you believe in and stand by those beliefs. Sometimes my conservative political views aren’t well-received, but rather than conceal my beliefs, I've made a decision to join the many other...
Can conservatives be compassionate?
My name is Brandon, and I’m a compassionate conservative. Some would say that is an oxymoron, but only if you believe Liberal propaganda. The Left has been effective at convincing voters that they alone show true compassion, while conservatives are just cruel...
“What is a Compassionate Conservative?”
My name is Brandon Vallorani. I am the Founder of Vallorani Estates and Romulus Marketing and I am a “Compassionate Conservative”. This title isn’t used as often as it should be. I would imagine that more people fall into this category than you realize. Maybe you do...
Identity Politics + Identity Consumerism = Standing on One Side of the Red/Blue Divide
As politics divides Americans across the dinner table and at the water cooler, businesses increasingly pick sides, and it doesn't appear to hurt the bottom line. In fact, it may help. Corporate behemoths, such as fast-food...
5 Ways Doing Nothing Can Help You Figure Out Business Issues
As a business leader, the very idea of doing nothing may seem unprofessional, even crazy. After all, how will you get things done by simply sitting back and doing nothing? The reality is, sometimes the pressure of running a business is so overwhelming that it hinders...
Success Attracts Success: How Dressing Well Can Change Your Life by Brandon Vallorani
Most people have heard the old phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover." While this may sound good in theory, the truth is that this is not how most people react. In fact, studies show that people tend to make a judgment about someone within the first seven seconds....
Young George Washington’s “Rules of Civility” in 2018 Language
I present: George Washington’s Rules of Civility in the common tongue.
Getting My Children to Continue Our Family Legacy
As a father, one of my deepest-rooted desires is for my children to receive my legacy and continue on through life building on what I’ve achieved, developed and, more importantly, what I’ve learned.
Mix Business with Pleasure to Seal the Deal
In business dealings, many of us were trained to avoid confusing relationships with clients or partners. Everyone has heard, "Don't mix business with pleasure." But, when taken as an unbreakable rule, might just take away a valuable tool for building trust and sealing...
Business Meetings and Why They Should Happen Outside a Conference Room
Making light of never-ending corporate meetings has become the stuff of legends. We all know companies where holding meetings takes up far more time than task completion activities. That kind of grueling grind beats enthusiasm to a pulp and turns time that could be...
Work Life Balance: Is it a Myth?
Every day we make choices between the work life balance about what we are going to do that day. We prioritize what we decide is important and work on those things for a period of time. Most people do not craft any plan or priority list and end up floating from task to...
Choosing a Business Partner 101
There are times in the life of a business where you may entertain the idea of having a business partner. Maybe you feel overwhelmed or lack expertise in an essential area. Perhaps you are a social animal by nature and thrive when you can bounce ideas off of others....
Marcus Aurelius: Leadership Lessons from Rome’s Great Leader
People who want to excel in business or be effective leaders can learn some vital leadership tips from Roman Emperor (most widely recognized for his pithy book Meditations) Marcus Aurelius. Though he left this world over 1,800 years ago, his teachings are still...
10 Career Benefits Golf Gives the Busy Executive
Does golf really improve the career game for business executives? Experts say "yes"- it really does. If you're looking to climb the proverbial ladder and you haven't been teeing off regularly, you might want to join the club and get your career game swinging....
5 Ways to Be Indispensable to Your Boss
In a fast-paced world where job security is vital, how can employees ensure that they remain indispensable? Every office has both types of workers: those who just clock in and clock out without adding much value to their company and those who are the very lifeblood of...
6 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Employees
As a manager, it's important to be demanding of yourself in order to lead and get the most out of your people. Below are six issues that trip up many beginning and experienced managers with their employees. You're telling people that "OK is good enough" Employees very...
Essentials for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep – and Why It Matters So Much
Scary things happen when we don't get enough sleep. From daytime drowsiness and weakened memory to physical strain on the body ("beauty sleep" is more than just looking youthful), the effects of reduced sleep are not insubstantial. Without adequate sleep,...
7 Great Books on the Topic of Success
If you're like me, a busy executive or entrepreneur, you know that time is as valuable as money––if not more so! Studies have shown that your continued personal and professional success rely heavily upon your ability to keep learning. And how better to do so than...
Burnout: Avoiding It, Living Through It, and Celebrating Life Instead of It
Burnout can cause you to feel physically and mentally exhausted, but also to sleep less, which can lead to being less alert. Stress can affect how much you eat and your digestion. My secret to avoiding the burnout nearly inevitable in an executive...
Working from Home: The Must-Have Attitudes & Habits
We have finally come to the point we can say, “I’m going to be working from home” and be confident that everybody believes it. Working from home just isn’t the big deal that it used to be even five years ago. It is perfectly natural for business owners and others who...